Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A few commissions that I did early December.
5.5”x7” Ink/wash on bristol board and compressed cardboard.
Adventure Time,
Bobgar Ornelas,
Original Artwork,
The Boys,
The World's Strongest Mailman
I generally don't like to use a lot of photoshop artwork in my comics but I when Jon Westhoff specified the type of shirt that Svend would wear in my World's Strongest Mailman story I thought that it would be fun to create the pattern and photoshop it in. It's not a true pattern, it won't repeat as a fill pattern, but it was a nice change of pace for me. I posted the color version of the pattern for fun and you can see the final product here.
Check out The World's Strongest Mailman here. It's all ages fun and FREE!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Boozehounds 12/03/2012 Guest Writer/Artist!
Ladies and gentleman, I present to you Felipe Garza and the Boozehounds premier of Robert Hafferman.
I'm scared! :o
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Boozehounds 11/20/2012
Wow, this strip is getting grim isn't it?
Sometimes running out of bristol board isn't a bad thing, it let me experiment with this strip. I've always loved the black and white with red motif, but I really like how it works on this compressed cardboard.
If it wasn't apparent already, I have reached my (adjusted) goal of 100 strips and I will continue to do these as often as possible. I will post sporadically but by doing this strip I have kind of let my personal projects slip a bit and I'm DYING to get back to the Stonebrook gang.
Bobgar Ornelas,
King Bone Press,
Monday, November 19, 2012
Goofing Off
Last week Vince B of 11 O'Clock Comics posted some photo manipulations of people in various states of decay that he created. They were fantastic, especially the one where he showed a comprehensive process from original photo to the ghastly conclusion.
This is my inept version of that; a morbid self portrait.
I didn't spend much time on it, about half an hour. It's a composite of 5 different photos. Enjoy.
This is my inept version of that; a morbid self portrait.
I didn't spend much time on it, about half an hour. It's a composite of 5 different photos. Enjoy.
Bobgar Ornelas,
digital artwork,
Goofing Off,
Friday, November 16, 2012
The World's Strongest Mailman
Hello everyone, it seems like it has been a long time. I haven't posted much lately although I did get to get to the 100th Boozehounds strip. I have been working on a story arc for Jon Westhoff & Bryan Boles' The World's Strongest Mailman.
Here's a promo image that I just worked up, borrowing the concept from regular series artist Bryan Boles. Look for it to post in about two weeks, but you can catch up on all the fun here.
Here's a promo image that I just worked up, borrowing the concept from regular series artist Bryan Boles. Look for it to post in about two weeks, but you can catch up on all the fun here.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Boozehounds 11/08/2012
One Hundred Boozehounds Strips! Huzzah!
Not much of a gag this week, but I felt like celebrating. I didn't do it alone either. Here's a link to the Guest Contributor strips. Thank you everyone that reads or helps promote my blog and of course all the guest contributors that kept this strip alive when I couldn't stay on schedule.
Bobgar Ornelas,
King Bone Press,
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Interlude: Apocalypse...Meh
I'm currently working against a deadline for an online project that I'm working on with a friend so your regularly scheduled Boozehounds strip will be delayed. In the meantime I thought that it would be fun to revisit the very first Jon Westhoff/Bobgar Ornelas collaboration; Apocalypse...Meh!
It is a story that we will continue when time permits, but for now you can read the complete first volume for free at our friends' website Osmosis-Online.com here.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Boozehounds 10/24/2012
Will there be a 100th strip! What does this mean for the future of Boozehounds?
I ain't saying nuthin'!
Bobgar Ornelas,
King Bone Press,
Monday, October 22, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
I took a picture.
I went for a walk the other day and took a picture with my cell phone. I turned it to grayscale and I'm pleased with it. It is rather somber. I look at it and it just feels like me.
I don't take too many photos that I really like, but Dan (leafinsect man) Pua maintains a blog and a thread for the 11 O'Clock Comics Photo a Day project. It's fun to do, a fun way to make friends or maintain them. I'm happy to join in when I can.
The blog is EOC Photo A Day
Here is My Member Gallery of only my pictures. There's a member gallery of every contributor too.
Blog curator and all around swell dude Dan Pua's website.
That's it. More comics from me soon.
11 O'clock Comics,
Bobgar Ornelas,
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Hey everyone. I know that I haven't been updating as consistently as of late. I've been a little tied up with other things. Fear not there will be more Boozehounds and more sketches posted. It is just a matter of finding the time to scan.
I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't quit. I'm not in hiding, just laying low for the time being.
I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't quit. I'm not in hiding, just laying low for the time being.
Friday, September 28, 2012
EOC Sketchbook Challenge (September 2012)
A fun topic on the 11 O'Clock Comics forums. The EOC Sketchbook Challenge is Batman this month. This seemed like the right thing to draw.
EOC Sketchbook September 2012 check out the challenge. Nearly 200 pages of artwork by rookies and pros in all kinds of styles, media and themes. It's fun.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Boozehounds 09/24/2012
Not my finest hour, but I like angry rabbit so ...
It feels like it's been a while since I posted a new Boozehounds and it has. We're on our way to our 100th strip!
Bobgar Ornelas,
King Bone Press,
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Swipe? Homage? Serendipity?
The top two issues are Dylan Horrocks' Pickle issue 9 & 10.
The bottom two issues are my b-one issues 3 & 5.
Was this an intentional swipe? Did I see some great design and bastardize it? I cannot truthfully say. It's been quite a while, but I've had a resurgence of admiration for Dylan Horrocks. Digging up these issues of Pickle to cover on the podcast I immediately noticed the similarities. I love these Pickle issues, the story the artwork, the paper and yes the cover design.
As you can tell the Horrocks Pickle cover design is far superior. It must have ingrained itself in my subconscious. There is also the EC Comics cover design connection but I think the Pickle/b-one similarities are closer together.
So did I swipe? Is it a homage? Serendipity? You decide.
Bobgar Ornelas,
comic books,
Dlyan Horrocks,
Swipe? Homage? Serendipity?
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Boozehounds 09/11/2012
It was bound to happen sooner or later. My first ever homage to Adventure Comics #247. The first appearance of the Legion of Super-Heroes who travelled back in time one thousand years just to bust Superboy's balls. Great bunch of kids right?
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Boozehounds 09/06/2012 Guest Writer & Artist!
A tale of two Walters by Ms. Freeman & Mr. Moyer.
Find her podcast here Double Page Spread
Find his bloggerino here skribbleskrabbleskrobble
Find her podcast here Double Page Spread
Find his bloggerino here skribbleskrabbleskrobble
Monday, September 3, 2012
Boozehounds 09/03/2012
Is art imitating life? Is the artist speaking through the characters. OF COURSE. Freebird is overrated. Sorry people. Send hate mail to Jonathan Westhoff.
Happy Labor Day.
Bobgar Ornelas,
King Bone Press,
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Boozehounds 08/28/2012 Guest Writer/Artist!
Ha ha, we have Tim O'Briant in the house! If you want to see quality and quantity he and Jon O. are killing it over at Strips 4. This was an unexpected submission, and I have been smiling ever since. There's so much to love on this strip.
Guest Contributor,
King Bone Press,
Poco Rojo,
Timothy O'Briant,
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Bob Fingerman & the Ground Zero compilation
![]() |
Artwork copyright Bob Fingerman 1997. |
I love Bob Fingerman's work. I don't have much of it, but I have some; Monkey Jank, Minimum Wage, You Deserved It etc. Oddly enough my favorite piece of his is this cd cover for Ground Zero Distribution dated 1997 by the artist and 1998 by the publisher. I was loading the cd onto my digital music and I realized that it had no artwork. So I searched online and came up empty. I may have been looking on the wrong places but I couldn't live without people knowing the beauty of this cover so I scanned it for you. It's not the best scan, granted, but just look at it. AMAZING!
I hope that I'm jut an idiot and this artwork has made it's rounds online at some point, if not here you go. I hope I'm not stepping on any toes, legal or otherwise.
Oh, and the compilation is great too. 27 songs, a lot of hxc.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Hey everyone, I just wanted to give you guys the credits for last week's Joe Kubert tribute strip. It was all thanks to Felipe Garza and Andy Tom. Both chose to run the strip without credits so as to keep the focus on the true message; Joe Kubert's impact on the comics industry in immeasurable and our loss incalculable.
Thank you Felipe & Andy for sharing with us.
Thank you Joe. For everything.
Thank you Felipe & Andy for sharing with us.
Thank you Joe. For everything.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Commissions and Original Artwork Information
Welcome to the “Bobgar needs a lil extra cash this month”commission post! Would you like an original piece of art by yours truly? We’ll all you have to do is commission it. It’s easy, just let me know what you want and I’ll draw it, with a few rare exceptions. All artwork is done with ink/inkwash on bristol board. Below are the basics, if you need something different I’m sure that we can come to an agreement.
Would you like an
original piece of art by yours truly? We’ll all you have to do is commission
it. It’s easy, just let me know what you want and I’ll draw it, with a few rare
exceptions. All artwork is done with ink/inkwash on bristol board. Below are
the basics, if you need something different I’m sure that we can come to an
11”x 17” Single
figure inked. $60.00 Shipping Included*
11”x 17” Multiple
figures/Team inked. $75.00 Shipping Included*
9”x 12” Single
figure inked. $35.00 Shipping Included*
9”x 12” Multiple
figures/Team inked. $45.00 Shipping Included*
5.5”x 7” Single
figure/head shot. Inked. $20.00 Shipping Included*
2.5" x
3.5" Sketch Cards. Inked. $3.00 Shipping Included*
Oh, and please be
specific about the iteration of the character you want commissions. For example
if you want an illustration of “Sandman” let me know which Sandman
(Spider-man’s Flint Marko, Morpheus, Logan 3, Golden Age DC, Punch-Out character,
Mystery Theatre, etc. etc) The same thing goes if you want a specific costume
that a character wears.
Original Artwork
If you’ve seen a
piece of mine that you want to inquire about, please do, there’s a good chance
that I still retain the original artwork. Just ask!
Please email BuyOrnelasArt
at gmail.com for availability, this offer is only available for Bobgar Ornelas
illustrated comics. If you are inquiring about specific King Bone Press
publications drawn by a different artist please email me and I will get you in
contact with the artist.
Paypal: email slurmo
at gmail.com
*Shipping is
included for United States only.
Bobgar Ornelas,
Original Artwork
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Boozehounds 08/01/2012 Guest Writer
Ah yeah, Wendi Freeman of Double Page Spread Podcast guest writes today's strip!
That's the good news. The bad news is for the time being I will not be accepting Boozehounds scripts. I will still accept fully illustrated/written/colored/lettered submissions but at this time I'm going to have to scale my Boozehounds back a bit to focus on larger King Bone Press comics such as two "secret" projects and finally getting back to b-one.
Thanks for understanding everyone, but it's the busy season at the day job and it's eating more of my time than I expected. Seven full months of three strips per week (a couple exceptions) have taken their toll as well so I'm scaling the output to twice a week. :(
Let's stay positive even with the scale back, you'll still get a minimum of forty more strips by years end!
Bobgar Ornelas,
Guest Contributor,
King Bone Press,
Wendi Freeman
Monday, July 30, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Boozehounds 07/19/2012
So there you go. A little continuity for those that follow Earth 2 Podcast and for the seven people who actually wondered what the second Boozehound's name was.
Bobgar Ornelas,
King Bone Press,
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Boozehounds 07/09/2012
Dedicated to Rich & Jon. For a full explanation I think you should watch the following FFWA film. It's on oldie but still one of my favorites.
Bobgar Ornelas,
Jon Westhoff,
King Bone Press,
Friday, July 6, 2012
Boozehounds 07/06/2012
I just like saying Bunnicula, ok?
If anybody is really interested in process stuff, that's a photo of St Augustine grass. Yes, I specifically wanted it to be St Augustine and no I do not have any rational reason for that.
Bobgar Ornelas,
King Bone Press,
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Boozehounds 07/04/2012
Happy 4th of July People. I wanted to experiment with coloring straight from pencils...it doesn't really work for me. The next one will be fully inked.
Be careful out there today whether you're lighting fireworks or having a drink. Be safe and we'll catch you on Friday.
Bobgar Ornelas,
King Bone Press,
Monday, July 2, 2012
Commissions and Original Artwork
A slight delay in Boozehounds for this week in the meantime I'm posting this commission of the Golden Age Batman. Enjoy.
9"x12" Ink & Wash on Bristol Board.
Bobgar Ornelas,
comic books,
Original Artwork
Friday, June 29, 2012
Boozehounds 06/29/2012
Wanted to do something different. All PITT pens no brushes. Just for fun.
Now that it is colored it doesn't look all that different from my regular stuff.
Bobgar Ornelas,
King Bone Press,
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Boozehounds 06/27/2012 Guest Writer/Artist!
The more that I look at what Andy Tom has done with this strip the more that I love it. You should check out his art and maybe commission something from him. Do it here.
Who wants to see me quit the strip and have Andy take over?
Andrew Tom,
Guest Contributor,
King Bone Press,
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Commissions and Original Artwork
Here's another one of my recent commissions. Drawing kids is really hard, but fun. I'm pleased with the outcome of this one.
9"x12" Ink & Wash on Bristol Board.
I still have room in my schedule for more commissions so feel free to ask! ;)
9"x12" Ink & Wash on Bristol Board.
I still have room in my schedule for more commissions so feel free to ask! ;)
Bobgar Ornelas,
Original Artwork,
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Commissions and Original Artwork
As promised here's one of my recent commissions since I posted earlier this month! That is Regular Show's Hi-Five Ghost who incidentally only has four fingers.
9"x12" Ink & Wash on Bristol Board.
I still have room in my schedule for more commissions so feel free to ask! ;)
Bobgar Ornelas,
Original Artwork,
Regular Show
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Boozehounds 06/20/2012 Guest Writer & Artist!
Andrew Sanford saves the day! Good ol' LA Rabbit pencilled this little guy, look at the unaltered art below.
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Blog Archive
- Boozehounds 08/28/2012 Guest Writer/Artist!
- Bob Fingerman & the Ground Zero compilation
- Boozehounds 08/25/2012. HARRY!
- Boozehounds 08/24/2012
- Boozehounds 08/22/2012
- Credits
- Guest Writer & Artist.
- Boozehounds 08/13/2012
- Commissions and Original Artwork Information
- Boozehounds 08/08/2012
- Boozehounds 08/06/2012 Guest Writer/Artist!
- Boozehounds 08/01/2012 Guest Writer
- Boozehounds 07/30/2012
- Boozehounds 07/27/2012 Guest Writer & Artist!
- Boozehounds 07/23/2012
- Boozehounds 07/19/2012
- Sketch: Birdy
- Boozehounds 07/17/2012 Guest Writer/Artist!
- Boozehounds 07/16/2012
- Boozehounds 07/13/2012
- Boozehounds 07/11/2012 Guest Writer & Artist!
- Boozehounds 07/09/2012
- Boozehounds 07/06/2012
- Boozehounds 07/04/2012
- Commissions and Original Artwork