Monday, August 18, 2014

High School Drawings!

Hello all and welcome back to another edition of "High School Drawings!"  This not so hot little number was drawn sometime in 1993. I found a box of drawings and story pages most from 1993-1995ish. Not a lot of good stuff in there, but I did like this one. Hard to believe there was a time where I would get anything, felt tips markers, sharpies, red ball point pens and a typewriter to do a drawing. On newsprint, no less! There's even paste-up on the Cliff Steele caption box.
I colored it to bring a bit of a modern look to it. I darkened the hell out of the background because let's face it, it's abysmal. I scanned some weathered newsprint to give it that old look of the original while making the blacks pop with upping the threshold.
Pens, markers, ink on newsprint. Image area 11" x 17"
Yup, I was a big Morrison Doom Patrol fan at the time. It was a revelation.
Bobgar Ornelas


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